What kinds of things do you wish the dentist would do for you?

At Eagle Point Family Dentistry, we love to make your experience better than you thought was possible at the dentist.  We always work to improve your satisfaction and our own ability to care for you well.  

This week, as we've been working on a number of patient care initiatives (post-visit care calls, birthday cards, kid's prizes for no-cavities, thank you gifts for referrals, and more) we realized we'd love to hear what you would like to have done for you when you come see us.

Some ideas and options: 

1) Sports/news/educational TV in the waiting areas

2) Refreshments to enjoy while you wait

3) Emailed invoices, receipts, treatment options, care instructions

4) Car-washing and pet grooming . . . . . :)

5) Insert your idea here and let us know in the comments

What would you love or what have you loved best about other doctors' offices, dental offices', shopping centers, etc that you love the most?  Let us know and join us in making your care the best it can be.