Veteran's Day

I just had a few minutes between patients and wanted to thank our veterans for their service in all branches and capacities.  Thank you for sacrificing and being willing to make an ultimate sacrifice for our safety and the freedom of our country.  

To my grandpas, my uncles, my cousins and my dad, thank you!

Happy Veteran's Day!


Dr. Luke

Implant options and changes in the industry

You've heard about them, you know someone who has them, but you still need more information about them.  Dental implants are titanium threaded posts that are used to replace the roots and eventually the chewing portion of a tooth or teeth that needed to be removed.  Historically, 90% of dental implants were placed by dental specialists such as oral surgeons, periodontists and even endodontists.  Now, almost 50 years after the first prototype titanium dental implant was placed, only 60% of implants are being placed by specialists and 40% are being placed by general dentists such as myself.  

Access to advanced surgical trainings and materials has made it easier for more dentists to become specialized at placing and restoring dental implants, and it is a trend that is not likely to be reversed anytime soon.  In our office at EPFD, Dr. Luke currently places mini-implants for the retention of lower dentures - primarily in older patients with little bone for a larger sized implant.

By the middle of 2015, we will be adding traditional implant placement to our list of services offered because we have seen the need in our community and the benefit that comes when we can place an implant and not send you as a patient to 2 different offices for one relatively straightforward procedure.  Stay tuned for more updates and photos in this blog section.  Thanks again for reading and have a great Summer Break!

What kinds of things do you wish the dentist would do for you?

At Eagle Point Family Dentistry, we love to make your experience better than you thought was possible at the dentist.  We always work to improve your satisfaction and our own ability to care for you well.  

This week, as we've been working on a number of patient care initiatives (post-visit care calls, birthday cards, kid's prizes for no-cavities, thank you gifts for referrals, and more) we realized we'd love to hear what you would like to have done for you when you come see us.

Some ideas and options: 

1) Sports/news/educational TV in the waiting areas

2) Refreshments to enjoy while you wait

3) Emailed invoices, receipts, treatment options, care instructions

4) Car-washing and pet grooming . . . . . :)

5) Insert your idea here and let us know in the comments

What would you love or what have you loved best about other doctors' offices, dental offices', shopping centers, etc that you love the most?  Let us know and join us in making your care the best it can be.

School's Out for the Summer

School's out!  Time for fun and sun, hopefully some camping or fishing or adventuring to take advantage of Eagle Point's beautiful summer weather.  As I think about our summer plans and adventures, I realize how much the time flies by, that "Endless Summer" suddenly blows past us and we miss it.  One of the things we do is sit down and plan out our summer so we know where we have time to spare or none at all, this short post is to encourage you to do the same.

Here at Eagle Point Family Dentistry, my team and I are excited for summer to see some of our favorite children patients and their families so we can make sure their summer is pain-free and worry-free from dental problems.  Getting your children in to see a dentist routinely and regularly for exams and dental x-rays can prevent cavities and major dental problems by up to 70%.  That's simple, easy and we want to keep it simple and easy for you too.  

If you have children or need to be seen yourself -- our summertime hours extended from the early morning to later in the evening to make it convenient for you to get here and still have most of your day to enjoy.  We can schedule your family at the same time to keep your trips down to a minimum and when one child is being seen, we have toys, an activity area and iPads loaded with fun games just for the kids to enjoy (and the occasional parent too).  

We would love the honor and opportunity to take care of you and your family, feel free to stop by for the summer and just say hi!  If you don't need an appointment but have been pleased and impressed with our office and staff, please refer your friends and family, we always appreciate that so much!